About Us

What is TWF all about

Who We Are

Inspiring and transforming young minds, one teen at a time.

Teens World Foundation is a dynamic and forward-thinking non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to the empowerment of teenagers and single teenage mothers. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support, education, empowerment, and mentorship to this vibrant demographic, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in life. We are dedicated to redefining the significance of education, personal development, self-awareness, and leadership among teenagers, enabling them to fully unlock their potential and step confidently into their own power.

Our Drive

At Teens World Foundation, our conviction runs deep: this Nigeria is within reach. But the journey begins now, with deliberate preparation. We are dedicated to nurturing, empowering, and arming our children with the tools, mindset, and exposure necessary to seize the boundless opportunities that abound in our nation. Our aim is clear: to foster a generation primed for success, not just for themselves but for society and the generations yet to come.


Teenagehood is a pivotal juncture, where identity, development, and societal pressures collide. With over 29 million teenagers aged 13-19 in Nigeria, this stage becomes our battleground for shaping resilient, capable adults. Through education, support, empowerment, and mentorship, we aim not only to fortify individuals but to catalyze positive change for our nation.


In Nigeria, where youth unemployment stands at a staggering 54.40% and continues to climb, the urgency is palpable. Yet, we possess the largest population of youth globally, brimming with potential. Equipping these teenagers with globally recognized skills, fostering entrepreneurship, and instilling problem-solving abilities isn’t just about reducing unemployment; it’s about unleashing a powerhouse that can transform Nigeria into a regional and global economic force.


Our nation’s current demographic dividend remains largely untapped, yet the consequences of neglect are dire. A population marred by lack of skills, economic inactivity, poor health, and inadequate education burdens society. The time for action is now, and at Teens World Foundation, we recognize that change must begin at the grassroots.


Our purpose is clear: to ignite a movement that empowers youth, transforms communities, and propels Nigeria towards its rightful place as a beacon of progress in Africa and beyond. Join us in shaping a future where every teenager is equipped to not just navigate, but to thrive in the complexities of our world. Together, let’s forge a Nigeria where opportunity knows no bounds.

Envision a Nigeria where self-reliance is the norm, where our youth are not merely dreaming of escape but actively shaping a prosperous future. Picture a landscape where innovation flourishes, where young minds confront challenges head-on, and where leadership is synonymous with service and example.

What We Stand For


Our vision is to cultivate a generation of strong-willed teenage leaders who are not only well-equipped to lead our nation towards prosperity but also contribute significantly to the growth of the Nigerian economy. We envision a society where every teenager is mentally strong, self-aware, and highly skilled, resulting in a nation rich in competent and empowered individuals. Through empowerment events, partnerships with esteemed companies and organizations, and the creation of educational materials, we are working tirelessly to ensure that teenagers become financially literate, accountable, productive, competent, self-aware, and mentally strong


At Teens World Foundation, our mission is to empower and equip teenagers and single teenage mothers with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to thrive. We are dedicated to fostering a generation of resilient leaders who are prepared to lead our nation towards prosperity. Through proper education, skill acquisition training, financial support, and mentorship, we aim to nurture mentally strong, self-aware, and highly skilled teenagers who recognize their vital role in contributing to the growth of the Nigerian economy

Our Values

E -Excellence
C - Care
E - Equality
L - Leadership
I - Integrity

The Problem and Our Approach


Teenagehood is a very critical stage where teenagers face several challenges such Identity formation, Peer pressure, Mental health concerns, Academic stress, Family dynamics, Peer relationships and romantic experiences.


Build a community that supports, educates, mentors and empowers teenagers, a home where teenagers feel free to talk and express themselves, where they meet and relate with like minds and mentors who are open to guiding them to success.


We have over 29 million teenagers in Nigeria, a country where over 63% of people are living below the poverty line and this is hugely affecting the life of teenagers negatively; from school dropouts to illegal activities like Yahoo yahoo, prostitution, to being touts, to doing menial jobs and more.


Creating empowerment programs to empower teenagers through skills acquisition, interpersonal and entrepreneurship training, to support teen education, programs that give teens the ability to innovate and build solutions which will help elevate them from poverty


Nigeria’s Adolescent pregnancy was 106 per 1000 and showed an increasing rate, this is caused by lack of education, skills, awareness and poverty level, the lives of these moms are not only affected but also the lives of their kids who will also be exposed to poverty, illiteracy and society stigma.


Reaching out and supporting teen moms to pick up their lives back(either by(by taking them back to school and equipping them with the skills they need to thrive), supporting their kids who are also the victims. Creating campaigns to spread awareness about the dangers of teenage pregnancy and the effect on our economic development, pushing for the official and free use of contraceptives for teens and creating easy accessible means which will reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy drastically and the death rate caused by abortions. An Advisory team to mentor and walk teen moms and to be teen moms through a recovery process so they can bounce back fully and mentally stable

Our Value Proposition

To train, equip, support and empower teenagers and teen moms with the skills, mindset and resources they need to thrive locally and globally which in return will foster economic growth in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

Our Impact

Empowering Teens Through Education and Community Engagement

At Teens World Foundation, our impact is measured by the lives we touch and the opportunities we create for teenagers across Nigeria. Here’s a snapshot of how we are making a difference:

School No Be Scam Campaign

300+ Participants: Engaged over 300 teenagers and guardians in a transformative event combining insights and entertainment.
70% Success Rate: 70% of teens who attended have advanced to higher education and remain active in our community, seeking guidance on their educational and life choices.

Sky Girls Nigeria School Tours

20,000+ Young Girls Empowered: Through school tours, we encouraged young girls to stay true to themselves, resist peer pressure, and pursue their passions.

Fundraising for Orphanages

₦500,000 Raised: Provided essential supplies like food, toiletries, and beverages to five orphanages in Lagos, improving the lives of hundreds of orphans.

Teen Tech Skills Workshop

35 Teens Trained: Introduced secondary school students to tech skills, including product development, blockchain, and emerging technologies.
5 Innovative Projects: Teens developed creative solutions to real-world problems, showcasing their newfound tech knowledge.

Teen Tech Expo 2024

1,000+ Attendees: Connected students, parents, educators, and tech leaders, emphasizing the importance of early skills acquisition.
25 Scholarships Awarded: Provided full tech training, laptops, and mentorship to 25 teens from underserved communities, setting them up for success in the digital economy.

Partnership with Hashem Academy

4 Tech Graduates: Collaborated to train teens in AI, robotics, cybersecurity, and product design. Participants excelled in their training, winning awards, laptops, and recognition.

TWF Teen Community

500+ Teens Engaged: Our vibrant community provides weekly mentorship, personal development sessions, and interactive games, fostering a supportive environment for growth.

Through targeted campaigns, educational programs, and skill development workshops, we have impacted over 30,000 teenagers and community members across Nigeria. By engaging in school tours, tech workshops, community events, and direct mentorship, we are creating pathways for Nigeria’s youth to thrive and reshape their futures. With each event, partnership, and initiative, we are building a generation ready to lead, innovate, and make a lasting impact.
Our Reach

How You Can Get Involved

Love our mission? Join us in empowering our children and teens to build bright financial futures!

Together, let’s make the great Nigeria we all dream of a reality!

Donate to Teens World Foundation
Donate to Our Projects!

Every year, we dive into impactful projects—from education and skill acquisition to campaigns and data gathering—all aimed at uplifting teens and teen moms. Whether it's a long-term initiative or a quick-impact campaign, find and support the project that speaks to you!

Join Teens World Foundation today, volunteer for a good cause
Volunteer For A Good Cause

TWF is on a mission to transform the lives of teenagers across Nigeria, but we can’t do it alone. From school tours and advocacy campaigns to hands-on training and awarding them opportunities , we need you. No matter where you are, join our passionate team and make a difference!

Partner with Teens World Foundation to train and equip teens and teen moms
Partner With Us

At Teens World Foundation, we empower teens with valuable skills—from tech to fashion, catering, makeup, photography, and more—so they can earn and thrive. Partner with us to make a difference in their lives!

Join the Teens World Foundation Community
Join Our Teen Community

Hey Teen! 🎉 Join our awesome community where you can grab cool opportunities, play games, meet friends, and learn new things. Don’t miss out—come be a part of the fun!

Success Stories/Testimonials